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Current Events Essays

Current events essays are often the first essays students write beginning in high school. The purpose of the current events essay is to learn the writing skills of the students and to see how they think about different topics. Usually the first goal of a current events essay is to relate what the student is learning with current events of today. Most current event essays follow the five-paragraph essay.

Sample Paragraph of a Current Events Essay

"Self-Proclaimed Sleepwalker Found Guilty of Murder" announces the Yahoo! News on Friday, June 25, 2004. A murderer stated that he was walking in his sleep when he killed someone by stabbing a guy and beating the girlfriend to death was convicted of first-degree murder. I have a sister who walks in her sleep. In fact, she even eats in her sleep and does not remember it the next day but I think it goes a little far to believe that a man walking in his sleep could stab a person or even beat up someone. The district attorney did not doubt the person might have a sleeping disorder but he would not believe that someone could kill another person while sleeping. Personally, this seems to be going to far to get out of the charges against the murderer. While many people do have sleep disorders and I even know a person who walks and talks in her sleep, but a person committing murder during their sleep. No way!

This is a sample paragraph of a current events essay that describes the article and then states his perception of the event. This current events essay would be common of a government essay. It discusses precise points about the current events as the writer states her feelings about the article.

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