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Deductive Essays

Writing a deductive essay is like playing a game of Clue. The person has different concepts with a set of specific clues and now must make an assumption as to what is happening. In the game of Clue the players know the different rooms (settings), knows the different players (the characters in the game of clue), knows the circumstances (such as the weapons in the game of Clue), and then they must make an assumption as to what has happened. The players in the game of Clue keep making assumptions until the game is over. Deductive essays take the individual factors, weighs these against what they know, and then makes the assumption. The three parts to a deductive essay are premises (the argument), evidence (information available), and conclusion (the assumption).

Sample Paragraph of a Deductive Essay Using the Game of Clue

Each card is passed to the players until all the cards have been passed out. There are cards showing different people, the different rooms on the game board, and different weapons. The players have been playing for a few minutes. My hand shows that Mrs. White, Miss Scarlet, and Mr. Green did not do it. The rooms in my hands are the billiard room and the library. I also have the knife and wrench. It is my turn and I am going to put the concepts I know about my cards (the premise) with the previous plays of other players the circumstances of plays other players have made (evidence) and make the conclusion that Mrs. Peacock did it in the kitchen with the candlestick. I open the window and find I am correct about my assumption.

This is a sample paragraph of a deductive essay. The game of Clue can be used as a deductive essay because it has a premise, evidence and the player must make a conclusion. Putting the knowledge the player has in his cards with previous plays helps the player to make a conclusion or assumption to win the game.

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