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Inquiry Essays

The inquiry essay can be defined by its name. The desire to inquire into a subject, article, book, or web site can be defined as the inquiry essay. It begins with a summary of what is being read or researched. The next step analyses what the person has read. It helps a person to respond to an argument as the person learns the logic, structure, and the reasons for the arguments. The inquiry essay can be described as a summary, analysis, and analytical inquiry. The focus of the essay should be the ultimate evaluation of the value of the argument after summarizing the subject, article, book, or website.

Sample Paragraph of the Inquiry Essay:

Why does the author, Henriette Anne Klauser, in the book Write It Down, Make It Happen believe that writing down the desires of one's heart will lead to these coming true? She states, "If you know what you want, you can have it." The book states that if the intent is focused on the outcome and the person is clear about what he/she wants in life then a person can make his/her dreams possible. The first step is to write down the dreams. This book can be described as being a philosophy book on making dreams come true. Now she emphasizes change will happen when you work toward making your dreams come true. No one will achieve their dreams if they do not try. She states the mind knows what the heart wants. The mind begins to guide the person in achieving the goals one step at a time. She clearly states to make it happen a person has to watch for signs and signals and be willing to grab these. A person wanting to achieve their dreams clearly must let the mind help them.

This is a sample paragraph of an inquiry essay beginning with the title and author of the book. It briefly summarizes the book. The writer takes it into the analysis stage as she states the dreams of a person cannot come true if they are not willing to listen to the mind or the heart. The evaluation of the essay states a person dreams can only come true if the person is willing to cooperate with the mind and heart.

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