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definition essays

Definition essays

A definition essay is a form of expository writing. It includes the definition and analysis of an idea, term, or concept. The essay introduces what is to be defined, presents straightforward information about it, and clarifies it using examples. This article contains comprehensive information about writing definition essays.

There are several standard tactics that you can use to provide an extended definition of a term, concept, or idea. Read on to learn useful tips for writing a persuasive definition essay, including picking the right topic.

What is a definition essay?

A definition is a simple statement that explains a term. A definition essay discusses several definitions of the same term. This genre of essay requires a writer to use various techniques to impress the meaning of a concept, term, or idea upon the reader. Terms, concepts, and ideas can have a variety of connotative meanings depending on the context. A definition essay discusses the different definitions per their roles in different contexts.

A definition essay provides the reader with the possible interpretations of a term and also describes the term's possible contexts within which the term can occur.

definition essay topics

There are several ways to define a word. Definitions are based on function, structure, and analysis.

  • Function:This defines how something works and what it does
  • Structure:This explains how something is put together or organized
  • Analysis:Compare and contrast the word to other members of its class

Writing a definition essay.

There are three steps to a useful definition:

  1. Introduce the term
  2. Provide clear and necessary information
  3. Use facts, anecdotes, or examples that readers will understand.

How to Choose the Right Term to define

To guarantee the success of your definition essay writing, you have to choose the right term to define.

1.   Pick a term with a complex meaning.

You should choose a definition essay topic that gives you plenty to write about. A complex term that refers to an abstract concept is better than a simple word with a concrete meaning since it provides more material to explore. Nouns that refer to an idea are preferable to those that refer to a place, person, or thing.

2.   Choose a disputable word.

A definition essay allows you to define a word in your perspective. This subjective nature gives different meanings to the same word. A word that has the same meaning to different people produces a definition essay that lacks depth. The best word to define should be not only complex but also disputable. It should have different meanings to different people.

3.   Choose a word you are familiar with

You should have a good knowledge base, understanding, or experience of the word you choose to define. This will give you an idea of how fitting your description is.

4.   Learn the history behind the word

The dictionary definition allows you to compare the academic explanation of a word to your understanding of the concept. It can also help you learn some history behind the word. Use an entomology dictionary and similar sources to get insight into the origins of the word's definition.

Elements of a Definition essay

1.   Analysis

To define a term effectively, you must separate it into several parts. Analyze each part and define it in its paragraph. This, however, only works if a word is made up of multiple parts. For example, the word "return" can be separated into "re" and "turn." Use traditional definition tactics like classification and negation to analyze and define each portion of the word.

2.   Classification

Use the standard dictionary definition of a word to specify the classes and parts of speech it belongs to. The dictionary definition may be very basic, but it provides helpful context about the use of the word.

3.   Comparison

Comparison is especially useful for words that are unfamiliar or uncommon. By comparing an unfamiliar term to one that is more recognizable to the average reader, you can make your definition essay more understandable

4.   Familiarization

Most words have physical characteristics that are commonly associated with them. The word "home," for example, is associated with safety, comfort, and warmth. Include these features to help the reader visualize your definition. Use these traditional thoughts to familiarize the term to the audience.

5.   Examples

Readers will relate better to stories that prompt vivid images than plain definitions. Use imagery and fitting stories to clarify a concept.

6.   Negation

You can bring a concept into focus by mentioning what it is not. Negation is often misused. For example, you do not define "courage" as the absence of fear; rather, it is acting in spite of fear.

7.   Background Information

Give a brief etymology of the word by explaining its origins and how it came to have its current meaning.

Definition essay Structure

Definition essays follow the same general structure as most essays.

  • Introduction: This brief but informative section should include the conventional definition of the term and your personal view.
  • Body Paragraphs: This section should provide the extended definition, connotations, etymology, analogies, and negation of the term.
  • Conclusion:Provide a summary of your definition essay by rephrasing the thesis statement and making a broad statement about the term you are defining.

Writing the Thesis Statement

The thesis statement plays a vital role in defining the term. It is written in the introduction after the hook and background information. The thesis statement presents the key points in the definition essay. It provides three significant pieces of evidence to support the definition of the concept, term, or idea being defined.

Final Thoughts

Words and concepts have both literal and implied meanings. While writing a definition essay, you should assume that the reader is not familiar with either. As such, you must provide a detailed and extended definition. Use facts, anecdotes, and examples that readers will clearly understand.

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