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Interview Essays

Interview Essay trains you on communication skills, your ability to question a person, describe the task, remember key facts from the activity, and focus on a topic. It also tests your comprehension skills. You have to demonstrate that you understand the subject under discussion.

This essay is a guide to the writing of a good Interview essay. You'll find its characteristics, tips on interviewing, and the actual writing process.

Preparing for an interview

What should you do before writing an Interview Essay? Well, there is no way you can start writing the essay unless you first identify the interview essay topic, what you want to write about. There is a wide range of interview essay topic examples at your exposure. They include health, sports, technology, food, and education, among others. You have to narrow down to a specific focus in any discipline then identify the person you can interview. Once you have done the aforementioned, follow this process:

1.  Research about the Interview topic or issue you will be seeking answers from the interviewee.

2.  Write your questions

3.  Schedule time and place for the interview

4.  Carry paper and pen or a recorder

5.  Ask your questions and ensure you record the answers accurately.

6.  Write the essay

Tips on interviewing for a Good Interview Essay topic

interview essay topics
  • Make the interviewee feel at ease.
  • Start by creating a light moment with a joke. Try not to read the questions directly to prevent them from getting nervous over your rigid interviewing structure. You should also explain to the interviewee the purpose and value of the exercise.

  • Write down their names, their profession, and personal details they are free to share about themselves.
  • Use open-ended questions. Ask questions that will provoke your interviewees to express their opinions.
  • Do not unnecessarily interrupt your interviewees when they are still answering a question. Only do so when you are seeking some clarification.
  • Follow up questions. Ask them to get more answers and get clarification.
  • Never suggest them answers for any question. If you do, you will have exchanged roles, and you are likely to get misleading answers.

Note down important gestures and anecdotes to use in your essay to describe the experience.

The writing process of an Interview Essay

After the interview, you will realize that you have so many answers to the questions. If your interviewees were at ease, you are likely to have recorded long answers. Transcribe them. Along the way, you might have captured too many details that can cause you some confusion. Do not trouble yourself. Follow the following guidelines:

Establish the purpose of the paper.

You can read other Interview Essay topic examples to understand how you should do it.

Ask yourself questions.

What were the intentions of this interview? What is so fascinating about the answers the interviewee gave? What sums up the gist of the entire interview? Look through the answers and find the answers you may have highlighted during the interview as more important. If you have recorded the response, listen to it again.

Find a fascinating/controversial response that can drive the essay.

Be keen on the answers that the interviewee gave. Write down important answers and remarkable quotes. For example, you may have interviewed a medical doctor about the cause of insomnia, and the expert responds that the victim's indebtedness causes it. The answer may sound controversial to you, and that can drive the essay.

Research the responses.

The answers you consider controversial or fascinating may not be new, after all. Confirm by researching the topic to understand better; whether the point is new or not, it is still important. You can use it as a thesis for your essay.

Link up the main answer to points from follow up questions.

Look for a thread that connects your points. Take the above example of indebtedness as a cause of insomnia. What evidence or arguments does the physician present to justify the response? Note them down.

Outline your essay.

A good essay has a structure consisting of an introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction captures the attention of your reader. Look for a captivating phrase or quote that will shock your readers and prompt them to read further. For example, in the case of indebtedness as a cause of insomnia, you can start the essay with a question: Did you know that you can end your insomnia by paying your debts? The introduction will make the readers curious to know how two issues are connected.

You can then proceed to the second sentence and reveal the expert's identity, making a claim. Tell your readers about him. For example, "Dr. Boniface Johnston is a medical expert of psychological medicine with over ten years of practicing." You can then reveal other details about the professional that you consider crucial for the readers. Describe the interviewee to create a mental picture for readers. Let them feel they are at the interview.

Let the body paragraphs expound on the details that you hinted at in the introduction. Each body paragraph should focus on a single point to avoid confusing your readers. Ensure that every paragraph connects to the thesis you have made at the introduction. Discuss as many ideas as possible, but ensure you maintain the focus of the paper.

In the concluding section, wrap up the essay by summarizing the key arguments. Do not explain the points but rather mention them. It would be best if you end with a memorable statement. For example, "So are you having trouble sleeping? Clear your debts and free yourself from insomnia."

Write your draft

After writing down all your points, start writing a flowing essay. Follow the outline to the end.

Proofread and edit.

After completing the writing, proofread your essay many times. Correct redundant sentences, unnecessary phrases, correct grammatical errors, be keen on style, and be consistent.


Good Interview essays depend on the structure and how well you prepare the questions. Once you have established the purpose of your paper, everything else will fall into place. Try practicing with a few topics to get the gist of it.

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