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what is workplace culture

What is Workplace Culture?

The workplace is where people work, whether in a factory or office. Culture refers to the ways of doing things. Workplace culture refers to the ambiance of the working environment that makes an organization distinct from another. Workplace culture is a multifaceted concept encompassing a consolidation of several factors that collectively explain workplace culture. The workplace culture is often attributed to an organization's performance or employee turnover. A favorable work culture creates a conducive environment for the organization and the employees. Such an organization fosters talent development while providing an environment for employees' career development. Employees prefer working in an organization where their effort is recognized and continually encounters development. As such, they effectively and efficiently undertake their responsibility. The results of a favorable workplace culture are increased productivity and a competitive advantage over other players in the industry.

The workplace culture is a collaborative effort of the employees and the management. Management could strive to provide positivity by creating a safe working environment, having a rewards and recognition program, and properly remunerating the employees. However, this culture could be compromised by the toxic environment created by employees who constantly attack each other and participate in unhealthy competition. On the other hand, a motivated and contented workforce could be disoriented by the management who constantly create unrealistic goals and does minimal in encouraging their achievement. In the wake of the competition characterizing the dynamic operating environment, most organizations are focusing on cultivating a workplace culture that would align with the organization's vision and mission statements and supporting the overall objectives. Imposing a workplace culture on employees derails its success due to the possibility of resistance. However, employee involvement in the step-by-step development of the workplace culture increases the possibility of its success and employees' motivation in contributing to its realization. Some basic considerations in formulating the workplace culture could include developing employee relationships and minding the employees' wellbeing. Bonding activities such as team building enable employees to interact at a personal level, developing relationships that could foster effective communication. Caring about employees gives them the confidence of working knowing somebody has their back.

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