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Custom Law Subject Writing

The Law School Experience

The 17th-century English philosopher Francis Bacon famously said that "knowledge is power." Knowing the facts of law places you in a powerful position, from which you can exercise influence on society and do good in the world—all while enjoying the benefits of a secure career. The legal professions suit conscientious people with keen intellects, ambition, drive, willingness to tackle challenges head-on and a desire to pursue a fair and just society.

Law Writing Stats

  • # of TPE writers who specialize in Law: 38
  • # of Law papers we've written: 1,200+
  • Average completion time for a Law paper: 3 days
  • # of jobs opening up in this field yearly: 20,000+
  • Emergency writing availability: Yes

Studying law involves a mixture of theory and practice. In the first year of law school, students typically receive a comprehensive grounding in the various types of law, such as constitutional law, criminal, civil and tort law, and legal contracts. This is balanced with hands-on experience of legal procedures, including argumentation, in a mock courtroom setting. Teaching style tends to follow the Socratic method, where the professor or tutor questions students to provoke debate and encourage learners to reason for themselves.

In the second and third year of law school, students have the opportunity to take courses specializing in areas such as family law, commercial law and professional ethics. Curriculum content is designed to meet the standards set out by national legal associations, such as the American Bar Association or the Canadian Bar Association. The aim is to equip law students with critical thinking, analytical, reading, writing and debating skills necessary for a career in law and related areas. Professional qualifications in specialized areas of law follow in postgraduate studies.

Careers for Law Graduates

Like any degree subject, law opens up dozens of career opportunities that make use of the skills learned at school. The most obvious and popular career choice is in the legal profession itself. Lawyers can work in private law companies, working their way up from mostly administrative duties to being an attorney in a partnership or personal law practice. Government employs lawyers in attorney roles at every level, including district, state and federal. Other lawyers join corporations as legal advisors. Outside the legal profession, jobs in journalism, broadcasting, education, politics and public service are ideal matches for the analytical, problem-solving, research and negotiation skills gained at law school.

Law Careers

There are hundreds of possible careers for a law student, here are just a few:

  • Mediation and Arbitration – Help people and organizations work out their differences
  • Civil Rights Investigator – Looking at the particulars of civil and human rights claims
  • Criminal Lawyer – Prosecuting or defending the accused in criminal court
  • Civil Lawyer – Advocating for or against civil cases
  • Law Clerk – Work for a lawyer, aiding in research and processes

What We Do for Law Students

The Paper Experts help law students the challenge of a degree by providing high-quality custom law papers and essays. A well-sourced and researched dissertation or paper from the Paper Experts can be a welcome aid to the law student working hard to meet the demands of a course assignment.

We offer the following law papers and essays:

  • Case studies
  • Philosophy of law papers
  • Research essays
  • Argumentative essays

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