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argumentative essay topics examples

How to write an argumentative essay

The argumentative essay means taking a side of an issue discussed and being able to give evidence as to which side is right according to the person's opinion. An argument is a heated discussion about something important to the person discussing the topic. An argumentative essay should be well structured, well reasoned, and well supported. One essential part of this type of essay is opposition. This means knowing both sides of the issue. A person must discuss both sides and give evidence as to the side the writer takes. An argumentative essay begins with a statement of a person's assertion about an issue. The next step is reviewing the literature about the issue. The next step is describing how the person's assertion is better than the other side.

Sample Paragraph of an Argumentative Essay: Euthanasia Is Wrong

"Whose life is it, anyway" (Euthania quotation 2004)? Euthanasia is the taking of a person's life and that is wrong even if the person desires to die. Voluntary euthanasia can be defined as the person asking someone to take his/her life. It is a crime to take someone's life. Who has the right to take another person's life? Who should be allowed to state whether a person should die? Who can determine whether taking a person's life is for the benefit of the person who dies? These are questions that should be addressed by both sides of the debate. Many people state they want to die because their pain is so severe or they feel so depressed. However, as long as a person lives the hope of a better tomorrow is always there. Euthanasia is wrong according to the law and even the natural law of the creator.

argumentative essay topics euthanasia

This sample paragraph of an argumentative essay begins with asking whose life it is to decide to die. It defines what euthanasia means. The questions show the structure the paper would take. The questions are addressed to both sides of the issue. The paper gives the writer's assertion that euthanasia is wrong. The next step would be a literature review and this has been started with the quote at the beginning the paragraph. The final statement of the writer is that euthanasia is wrong.

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