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Expository Essays

The expository essay explains or acquaints the reader with knowledge. Explaining the topic shows the reader the knowledge the writer has. The purpose of an expository essay is to explain a topic without giving the writer's opinion so the reader will have knowledge about the subject. This type of essay is designed to convey information and help the reader to understand the topic. Expository essays use an analysis of parts and the use of familiar illustrations to explain the topic.

Sample Paragraph of an Expository Essay on Losing Weight:

Many people find losing weight is difficult. Often people diet and lose a few pounds but they gain them back again. Losing weight is possible if the person desires to lose weight with the following health plan and their pounds will stay off as long as they follow the plan. Most diets are designed to keep a person from eating certain foods or they have an exercise plan that must be followed. The following health plan is not a diet nor does it require a lot of time for exercise. The natural health plan is eating what ever a person wants but not eating more than a half-cup of anything. The natural health plan suggests parking at the end of the parking lot when shopping. This actually keeps the car from being hit with car doors by other people. Another part of the natural health plan is walking the dog for a few minutes each day. This is important to the dog. If a person does not own a dog the person should take a walk to clear the cobwebs (the mind). Following these simple steps will help a person lose weight naturally and the person will be able to keep the weight off permanently as long as they continue the plan.

how to write an expository essay

This is a sample paragraph of an expository essay about losing weight. The writer begins by describing other diets. She gives examples of how to lose weight by only eating one-half cup of whatever the person wants to eat and by walking with the person's dog or a walk to clear the mind after a difficult day's work. The writer does not give her opinion about the topic. She explains how the plan works.

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