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Instruction Essays

The instruction essay gives step-by-step explanation of how to do something. It instructs a person in the steps toward accomplishing something. For instance, if a mentor wanted to explain the steps to writing an effective lesson plan she would give each step needed to complete it. Instruction essays are often used in a number of ways and many instruction essays can be seen in magazines and newspapers.

A Sample Paragraph of an Instruction Essay on How to Write a Lesson Plan:

The first step is deciding on the lesson to be taught. Think about the objectives you want the class to learn. Write these under the heading called objectives. What materials are needed? Write these under the heading called materials. What will be the steps to teaching the lesson? Write these step-by-step so they could be easily followed if a substitute was needed. These steps are the basic steps in writing a lesson plan.

This is a sample paragraph of an instruction essay on how to write a lesson plan. The writer shows the first step is deciding on the lesson to be taught. The steps of how to write the lesson plan guides the reader as it informs the reader on how to create a lesson plan.

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