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Research Papers

A research paper begins with a problem that needs researching. The thesis should engage the reader to want to find out more about the topic. The first step is putting into words the thesis of the research paper. Why write about the topic or problem? Why do the readers want to know more about the topic? Summing up the problem, question, or thesis is the first step to the research paper. The next step is finding primary and secondary sources about the problem. When writing the introduction it is important to give some brief background about the problem and then give the thesis of what the research paper will do. The body of the research will have many different headings with various aspects leading to fulfilling the thesis. The conclusion summarizes the research and answers the problem that led to research with a restatement of the thesis.

Sample Paragraph of a Research Paper:

"Homosexuals are forbidden the safeguards that others enjoy or may seek without constraint" (Kennedy 2004). The right for gay marriages is a topic quite common in today's news reports. Most gay activists want gay marriages legalized. They believe it is wrong to block gay marriages with many rights of married couples denied to them. If gay marriages are granted, what does this bring to the marriage relationship? From the beginning of time, marriage has been a sacred commitment and should continue to be between husband and wife. "Marriage is an institution between one man and one woman" (Gay 2004). "Marriage is for procreation" (Gay 2004). "Marriage is traditionally a heterosexual institution" (Gay 2004). Giving the right to gays to marry will take away the sacredness of marriage and begin to confuse children and adults about the importance of the marriage bed. Marriage was created for men and women to give children stability. Marriage is between a couple that loves one another and want to show the world how they feel about their relationship. Giving gays the right to marriage will take away the sacred commitment and change the definition of marriage.

This is a sample of a research paragraph that begins with a quote showing the desires of the gay people. It asks a question, "If gay marriages are granted, what does this bring to the marriage relationship?" The next step the writer takes is declaring the thesis statement. The writer lists three different reasons against gay marriages. These points are declared in quotes showing the literature review on the topic. The conclusion sentence repeats the thesis statement

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