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The Paper Experts Term Paper Writer Q/A

Nickname:   Kit    ID 935

What single word best describes you?

How long have you been writing model term papers?
I've been writing for 11 years.

What's your secret for writing model term papers on short deadlines?
Coffee! Very, very strong coffee!

What advice would you give potential clients?
Spend a minute or two thinking out clearly the requirements for your model paper. Then submit ALL the requirements with your order. Investing a couple of minutes at this stage means you avoid complications later, and ensures you will receive the best possible model paper that FULLY meets your requirements.

What is the highest level of education you have achieved?
I have earned my Master's degree.

What is you most memorable experience writing a model term paper?
My most memorable experience was a model term paper that had to be written in Middle English - in the style of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales - describing contemporary American politics under the Bush Administration. It was a challenging but also creative and enjoyable experience. Model term papers can be, and are, written on every topic under the sun.

What do you enjoy most about writing model term papers?
The research stage is perhaps what I enjoy most. While some papers are on topics I know well, others require more in-depth research, which can be especially rewarding as I will often learn something new in the process.

What do you like least about writing model term papers?
When requirements are vague or confusing, it can make writing a model term paper very difficult. Full and clear requirements make for happier writers, and better model term papers.

What was the toughest model term paper you wrote, and why was it so tough?
A comparative analysis of how Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is manifested in the tax codes of the United Kingdom, India and Pakistan. This paper was particularly tough in the research stage given the challenges of finding detailed current data on tax law for the Indian subcontinent.

Tell us something we don't know about you in a paragraph:
I am absorbed . . . even obsessed . . . with blogging on American politics. The United States political scene is arguably the most competitive and innovative on the planet, as developments there - e.g. in GOTV or political advertising - are later copied in countries around the world. It is the "Big Leagues," and there is no game like it anywhere.

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